Sandefjord Maritim As

GM 8 Cyl., 6.2 Liter Gen+ 377 V8

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Remanufactured PRO-Series Longblock
GM 8 Cyl., 6.2 Liter Gen+ 377 V8
Hand Standard Rotation) with remanufactured Vortec cylinder heads.

Replaces 2002-2009 MerCruiser 6.2L MPI Multi-Port Fuel Injected sterndrive and inboard marine engines without ECT. This block has provisions for a CPS (Crank Position Sensor). There are no provisions for a mechanical fuel pump. It uses a proprietary 6.2L MerCruiser roller camshaft profile used during the years listed (SN# 0M300000?1A353300)

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